Wednesday, June 21, 2006

kudos to Janet

I am fairly new to the whole gardening thing. Our house has landscaping that was already present when we moved in. Some of it is ready to be replaced (junipers and some of the azaleas). My tech Janet was over for the shower on sun and asked me who dead headed all of my rhododendrums. Um, noone? Now, mastergardnener has mentioned in the past that they needed to be deadheaded. I however, forgot about it. They were quite lovely and large this year despite the ugly leftover dead blooms from last year. So hubby and I were up at 7am on our day off, and I thought, what the heck, let me dead head the rhod. Ha! 3 hours and a very sore back later, I'm still not done. But that's it for today. I conquered 3 small ones and one of the enormously huge ones. Next spring they will be awesome!!!!!! That being said, I need to go ice my back.. I did a nice child's pose (balasana) and supta bandha konasana (reclined bound angle) and some side stretches. We'll see, have to teach tonight....
On a completely different note, well, actually it does deal with yoga....
Have you ever heard that Alanis Morisette song, Thank you India, etc...
well there is this line in that song, The moment I let go of it, was the moment I got more than I could handle... I feel like this is life right now. I have got alot going on, sorry I can't delve into it at the current moment, maybe someday. This again deals with aparigraha. Learning to let go...

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